Source code for babao.inputs.ledger.krakenLedgerInput

Handle logging in database all our real transactions on kraken api (wet-run)
Also fetch from kraken api the history of your past transactions

import sys

import pandas as pd

import as du
from babao.inputs.krakenInputBase import ABCKrakenInput
from babao.inputs.ledger.ledgerInputBase import ABCLedgerInput
from babao.utils.enum import CryptoEnum, QuoteEnum, ActionEnum

[docs]class ABCKrakenLedgerInput(ABCLedgerInput, ABCKrakenInput): """Base class for any kraken ledger""" def __init__(self, log_to_file=True, unused_temp=False): super().__init__() self.log_to_file = log_to_file # TODO: move that to ABCLedgerInput self.balance = 0 # TODO
[docs] def fetch(self): if self.current_row is None: since = "0" else: since = str(du.nanoToSec( res = self._doRequest("Ledgers", { "start": since, "asset": }) if res is None: self.up_to_date = False return None if res["count"] == 0: self.up_to_date = True return None if res["count"] > 50 and self.current_row is None: # kraken api is *STOOPID*: if we don't have the exact date of the # first transaction, we can't fetch the ledger data starting from # the begining... so we'll need a couple extra requests, sorry! res = self._doRequest("Ledgers", { "ofs": res["count"] - 1, "asset": }) # first raw_ledger = pd.DataFrame(res["ledger"]).T self.up_to_date = len(raw_ledger) != 50 if raw_ledger.empty: return raw_ledger raw_ledger.index = du.secToNano(raw_ledger["time"]) del raw_ledger["time"] del raw_ledger["aclass"] del raw_ledger["asset"] raw_ledger = raw_ledger.sort_index() raw_ledger.rename(columns={"amount": "volume"}, inplace=True) raw_ledger["volume"] = raw_ledger["volume"].astype(float) raw_ledger["fee"] = raw_ledger["fee"].astype(float) raw_ledger["balance"] = raw_ledger["balance"].astype(float) raw_ledger["product"] = 0 # TODO: enum? raw_ledger.loc[ (raw_ledger["volume"] > 0) & (raw_ledger["type"] == "trade"), "type" ] = "buy" raw_ledger["type"] = raw_ledger["type"].replace({ "withdrawal": ActionEnum.WITHDRAW.value, "deposit": ActionEnum.DEPOSIT.value, "buy": ActionEnum.BUY.value, "trade": ActionEnum.SELL.value, }).astype(int) return raw_ledger
[docs] def buy(self, ledger, volume_spent, price, timestamp=None): raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, this is not implement yet :/")
[docs] def sell(self, ledger, volume_spent, price, timestamp=None): raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, this is not implement yet :/")
[docs] def deposit(self, ledger, volume, timestamp=None): raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, this is not implement yet :/")
[docs] def withdraw(self, ledger, volume, timestamp=None): raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, this is not implement yet :/")
# Dynamically generate these inkd of classes for all assets available: # class KrakenLedgerEURInput(ABCKrakenLedgerInput): # asset = QuoteEnum.EUR for asset in list(QuoteEnum) + list(CryptoEnum): cls = "KrakenLedger" + + "Input" setattr( sys.modules[__name__], cls, type(cls, (ABCKrakenLedgerInput,), {"asset": asset}) )