Source code for babao.inputs.ledger.fakeLedgerInput

Handle logging in database all our fake transactions (dry-run)

import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
import re

import pandas as pd

import babao.utils.file as fu
import as du
import babao.utils.log as log
from babao.inputs.ledger.ledgerInputBase import ABCLedgerInput
from babao.utils.enum import CryptoEnum, QuoteEnum, ActionEnum

[docs]class ABCFakeLedgerInput(ABCLedgerInput): """Base class for any fake ledger""" @property @abstractmethod def asset(self): pass def __init__(self, log_to_file=True, temp=False): if temp: self.__class__.__name__ = re.sub( r"Fake", "Temp", self.__class__.__name__ ) fu.delete(self.__class__.__name__) ABCLedgerInput.__init__(self) self.log_to_file = log_to_file if self.current_row is not None and log_to_file: self.balance = self.current_row["balance"] self.last_tx = else: self.balance = 0 self.last_tx = 0
[docs] def fetch(self): self.up_to_date = True # we said fake
[docs] def logTransaction( self, typ, volume, refid, fee=0, product=0, timestamp=None ): # pylint: disable=R0913 """ Log transaction in database if ´timestamp´ is not given, the current time will be used This should'nt be used outside of this class """ # TODO: remove some args if timestamp is None: timestamp = du.TIME_TRAVELER.nowMinus(0) self.balance += volume - fee self.last_tx = timestamp if not self.log_to_file: return df = pd.DataFrame( { "volume": volume, "balance": self.balance, "fee": fee, "refid": refid, "type": typ, "product": product, }, columns=self.__class__.raw_columns, index=[timestamp] ).fillna(0) for c in df.columns: if c in ["type", "product"]: df[c] = df[c].astype(int) else: df[c] = df[c].astype(float) self.write(df)
[docs] def buy(self, ledger, volume_spent, price, timestamp=None): if self.balance < volume_spent: return False volume_bought = volume_spent / price fee = volume_bought / 100 # 1% hardcoded fee refid = str(du.TIME_TRAVELER.nowMinus(0)) if self.verbose: "Bought", round(volume_bought - fee, 4),, "for", round(volume_spent, 4),, "@", int(price) ) self.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.SELL.value, volume=-volume_spent, refid=refid, product=ledger.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) ledger.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.BUY.value, volume=volume_bought, refid=refid, fee=fee, product=self.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) return True
[docs] def sell(self, ledger, volume_spent, price, timestamp=None): if ledger.balance < volume_spent: return False volume_bought = volume_spent * price fee = volume_bought / 100 # 1% hardcoded fee refid = str(du.TIME_TRAVELER.nowMinus(0)) if self.verbose: "Sold", round(volume_spent, 4),, "for", round(volume_bought - fee, 4),, "@", int(price) ) ledger.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.SELL.value, volume=-volume_spent, refid=refid, product=self.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) self.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.BUY.value, volume=volume_bought, refid=refid, fee=fee, product=ledger.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) return True
[docs] def deposit(self, ledger, volume, timestamp=None): fee = volume / 100 # 1% hardcoded fee refid = str(du.TIME_TRAVELER.nowMinus(0)) if self.verbose: "Deposit", round(volume, 4), "from",, "to",, ) self.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.WITHDRAW.value, volume=volume, refid=refid, product=ledger.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) ledger.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.DEPOSIT.value, volume=volume, refid=refid, fee=fee, product=self.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp )
[docs] def withdraw(self, ledger, volume, timestamp=None): fee = volume / 100 # 1% hardcoded fee refid = str(du.TIME_TRAVELER.nowMinus(0)) if self.verbose: "Withdraw", round(volume, 4), "from",, "to",, ) ledger.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.WITHDRAW.value, volume=volume, refid=refid, product=self.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp ) self.logTransaction( typ=ActionEnum.DEPOSIT.value, volume=volume, refid=refid, fee=fee, product=ledger.asset.value, timestamp=timestamp )
# Dynamically generate these inkd of classes for all assets available: # class FakeLedgerEURInput(ABCFakeLedgerInput): # asset = QuoteEnum.EUR for asset in list(QuoteEnum) + list(CryptoEnum): cls = "FakeLedger" + + "Input" setattr( sys.modules[__name__], cls, type(cls, (ABCFakeLedgerInput,), {"asset": asset}) )