Source code for babao.models.tree.macdModel

Simple macd based model,
with a very elegant algorithm (aka: brute-force)

import pickle
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid

import babao.config as conf
import babao.inputs.inputManager as im
import babao.inputs.ledger.ledgerManager as lm
from babao.inputs.trades.krakenTradesInput import KrakenTradesXXBTZEURInput
import as du
import babao.utils.indicators as indic
import babao.utils.log as log
from babao.utils.scale import Scaler
from babao.utils.enum import CryptoEnum, ActionEnum
import babao.models.modelBase as mb

MIN_MACD = 1e-2

def _getTradeData(kraken_trades_input, since):
    Read the necessary data from inputs, and start feature preparation

    It is important to keep the the returned data constant, as it is shared
    across the different models
    trade_data =
    trade_data = kraken_trades_input.resample(trade_data)
    trade_data = trade_data.loc[:, ["vwap"]]
    trade_data["vwap"] = Scaler().scaleFit(trade_data["vwap"])
    return trade_data

def _resetLedgers():
    Re-init the ledger to default assets amounts,
    so a new simulation can be launched
    lm.LEDGERS[CryptoEnum.XBT].balance = 0
    lm.LEDGERS[conf.QUOTE].balance = 100
    lm.LEDGERS[CryptoEnum.XBT].last_tx = 0
    lm.LEDGERS[conf.QUOTE].last_tx = 0

def _play(features):
    """Play an epoch with the given macd parameters"""

    time_base = features.index[0]
    now = time_base
    index = 0  # in case len(features) == 0
    for index, feature in enumerate(features.values):
        macd = feature[1]
        if np.isnan(macd):

        now += du.secToNano(index * conf.TIME_INTERVAL * 60)
        if macd < -MIN_MACD:
            lm.buyOrSell(ActionEnum.SELL, CryptoEnum.XBT)
        elif macd > MIN_MACD:
            lm.buyOrSell(ActionEnum.BUY, CryptoEnum.XBT)

        if lm.gameOver():
            # if log.VERBOSE >= 4:
            log.warning("game over:", index, "/", len(features))
            return -42

    score = lm.getGlobalBalanceInQuote()
    hodl = features["vwap"].iat[index] / features["vwap"].iat[0] * 100

    # if log.VERBOSE >= 4:
        "score:", int(score - hodl),
        "(" + str(int(score)) + "-" + str(int(hodl)) + ")"

    return score  # - hodl

def _playLoop(features, param_grid):
    """Loop through the different macd paramaters to tests"""
    now = du.TIME_TRAVELER.getTime()
    param_grid_len = len(param_grid)

    for i, param in enumerate(param_grid):
        if param["fast_delay"] >= param["slow_delay"]:

        features["macd"] = indic.macd(
            param["fast_delay"], param["slow_delay"], param["signal_delay"]
        # if log.VERBOSE >= 4:
            "Testing params:", param["fast_delay"],
            param["slow_delay"], param["signal_delay"]

        param["score"] = _play(features)

        percent = i / param_grid_len * 100
        if i and not bool(percent % 1):
                str(int(percent)) + "% done",
                "- best yet:",
                sorted(param_grid, key=lambda k: k["score"])[-1]

    return sorted(param_grid, key=lambda k: k["score"])

[docs]class MacdModel(mb.ABCModel): """Simple macd based model""" dependencies_class = [KrakenTradesXXBTZEURInput] need_training = True def _prepare(self, since, with_macd=False): """ Prepare features and eventually macd (if ´with_macd´ is True) from the given ´since´ timestamp """ trade_data = _getTradeData(self.dependencies[0], since) if with_macd: trade_data["macd"] = indic.macd( trade_data["vwap"], self.model["fast_delay"], self.model["slow_delay"], self.model["signal_delay"] ) trade_data.dropna(inplace=True) return trade_data
[docs] def train(self, since): log.debug("Train macd") features = self._prepare(since) lm.LEDGERS[CryptoEnum.XBT].verbose = log.VERBOSE >= 4 lm.LEDGERS[conf.QUOTE].verbose = log.VERBOSE >= 4 param_grid = list(ParameterGrid({ "fast_delay": range(9, 100, 1), "slow_delay": range(25, 200, 1), "signal_delay": range(10, 30, 1), # "fast_delay": [9], # "slow_delay": [26], # "signal_delay": [10], "score": [-42] })) sorted_param_grid = _playLoop(features, param_grid) log.debug("Top Ten:") for i in range(len(sorted_param_grid[-10:]), 0, -1): log.debug(sorted_param_grid[-i]) self.model = sorted_param_grid[-1] score = self.model["score"] del self.model["score"] return score
[docs] def predict(self, since): features = self._prepare(since, with_macd=True) macd = features["macd"] features["buy"] = (macd > MIN_MACD).astype(int) features["sell"] = (macd < -MIN_MACD).astype(int) features["hold"] = (features["buy"] + features["sell"] == 0).astype(int) pred_df = features.loc[:, ["hold", "sell", "buy"]] return pred_df
[docs] def plot(self, since): plot_data = self._prepare(since, with_macd=True) pred_df = self.predict(since) plot_data["predict"] = pred_df["sell"] - pred_df["buy"] plot_data = plot_data.loc[:, ["vwap", "predict"]] du.toDatetime(plot_data) plot_data.plot(title="Model Macd")
[docs] def save(self): with open(self.model_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.model, f)
[docs] def load(self): try: with open(self.model_file, "rb") as f: self.model = pickle.load(f) except OSError: self.model = { "fast_delay": 46, "slow_delay": 75, "signal_delay": 22 }